Sega Genesis Collection (Sniper)
Genre: Compilation
Developer: Digital Eclipse
Publisher: Sega

This collection nails the two visual aspects to which it was likely aspiring; the menus and the actual game presentation. The former are sharp, nicely anti-aliased, and fit the collection's metallic aesthetic theme appropriately. Even though the latter lacks the sort of sprite filtering options that community-created emulators provide, the titles look wonderful and run with perfect framerates.

Like another popular Sega compilation, Saturn's "Sonic Jam", Sega Genesis Collection features some catchy menu music that, like the menu graphics, fit the title's, and contemporary Sega's, peppy image. The actual game audio is generally well emulated, with only a few samples in a handful of the games sounding a bit off.

The most important aspect of a compilation such as this is how the titles play. In this case, the answer is "perfectly". The compilation creators also knew that there was functionality they would need to provide, such as save and load state, in order to draw people away from emulators; they even delivered on that front.

Between Sega Genesis Collection's outstanding emulation and pleasing style, it also plays wonderfully and delivers enough functionality to make it a worthwhile substitute to the variety of PSP Genesis emulators available. The only thing holding this compilation back from perfection is the lack of a few notable titles, such as Streets of Rage 2 and Toejam & Earl.

Sniper's verdict: